Rotated bounding boxes
For working with rotated bounding boxes, please reach out to [email protected] for your free license key.
Rotated bounding box are annotation boxes that have a rotation vs. the vertical or horizontal axis, for example:

Rotated bounding boxes allows to get a better focus around the object and are often used in satellite imagery and other use cases. Rotated bounding box is defined by 4 vertices in the corder, each one has x and y coordinates. We number them as x1,y,x2,y2...
For working with rotated bounding boxes, prepare a csv file in the following format (let's asume the file is named: annotations.csv
Note: the format is not tolerant for changes in column names.
Run fastdup pointing to the annotations file:
import fastdup
fd = fastdup.create(input_dir='.', work_dir='output')'annotatotions.csv', overwrite=True, license='YOUR_LICENSE_KEY', bounding_box='rotated', augmentation_additive_margin=15,
verbose=False, ccthreshold=0.95)
Note that fastdup handles the rotated bounding box on the c++ side that there is a significant speed gain vs. cropping them in python first.
Full example is here.
Updated over 1 year ago